menampilkan adsense yang sesuai dengan BLOG kita
berapa banyak blog anda datang di tempat AdSense iklan yang sama sekali tidak relevan dengan tema blog atau konten? Beberapa dari mereka yang benar-benar lucu. Berikut adalah iklan yang benar-benar menunjukkan ruang di sebelah link ke salah satu template halaman.
coba kalian pikirkan jika iklan itu tampil di halaman saya yang sebenarnya BLOG saya ini tentang "tukeran link" atau semua yang berhubungan dengan cara memaksimalkan blog. sungguh aneh bukan.
nah, sekaranh anda dapat menentukan target iklan yang akan tampil sesuai dengan konten atau tema dari blog anda ini. saya akan menerangkan lebih lanjut...
you’ll need to add a set of special HTML comment tags to your blog template code. These tags will mark the beginning and end of whichever section(s) you’d like to emphasize or de-emphasize for ad targeting.
The HTML tags to emphasize a page section take the following format:
<!-- google_ad_section_start -->
<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
You can also designate sections you’d like to have ignored like your navigation, sidebar, or anything that’s not worth targeting by adding a (weight=ignore) to the starting tag:
<!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) -->
<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
It can take at least 2 weeks before Google crawlers figure out the changes you’ve made and update your AdSense account. Some sites might not even notice a difference because the ads were already pretty well targeted in the first place.
Here’s what your updated code should look like:
<!-- google_ad_section_start -->
<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
Some people also want to setup Section Targeting for their blog post titles which is fine as well. You basically do the same steps shown here but for the <data:post.title/> tags. There are usually at least two so make sure you wrap them all if you decide to make this change.
Save your template code and load it back into Blogger. Look at your blog and view the page source. You should now see these Google AdSense tags in your code!
Targeted adsense on your blog content
To become a success in viral marketing
To become a success in viral marketing
Viral marketing, mungkin anda sudah mengenal istilah tersebut. Viral marketing yaitu salah satu strategi pemasaran seperti virus yang "menginfeksi" satu dengan lainnya.
Pemasaran seperti virus merupakan kebalikan dari metode promosi standar seperti iklan TV dan Banner web dimana konsumen hanya sedikit dilibatkan bicara.
Bagi perusahaan yang meyakini produk Viral marketing mereka dapat membuktikan metode ini lebih efektif dibading banner web dan bentuk iklan interuptif.
inilah lima langkah untuk menjadi sukses dalam viral marketing:
five steps to become a success in viral marketing
1. Strengthen bidding. In order for marketing such as viruses (viral marketing) work, bids must be strong. This often means giving something for free.
2. Easy for the "infection" to one another. Line of text at the end of each email message containing intruksi simple to get the service. Also, because the instructions appear automatically, do not need to have a business to spread the virus.
3. Target the most influential. Identify the most influential person is required to generate publicity. Moderators forum, and e-zine editors tend to have a wide range.
4. Give information. The information has made reasonable value far greater than in any marketing messages that are considered good.
5. Get permission. When the target database for the consumer launch campaign virus, need to ensure that each recipient has been "agree" to receive any marketing material.
Showing Adsense In Posts On A Single Post
Memasukan Adsense di postingan tunggal
mungkin trik ini kawan-kawan sudah tahu semuanya, tapi saya mencoba menulis ulang kembali. Mungkin kalian sudah tahu bagaimana memasukan adsense dalam postingan, nah saya mencoba memberikan sedikit tips bagaimana memasukan adsense kedalam postingan tetapi hanya pada postingan tunggal saja. Sebelumnya kalian sudah tahu kalau memasukan adsense dalam postingan akan meningkatkan CTR (click through rate) atau bahasa indonesianya RKPT (rasio klik per tayang) yang akan menghasilkan pendapatan adsense anda lebih banyak.
nah sekarang yang saya ingin berbagi adalah, bagaimana memasukan adsense dalam post yang hanya pada postingan yang dipiih saja, adsense tersebut tidak akan muncul dalam halaman utama (home page) dan dalam halaman arsip (archive).
baik lah kalau begitu, kita kupas lebig lanjut tips yang mudah-mudahan bermanfaat bagi kawan-kawan semua..
Showing Adsense In Posts On A Single Post
I didn’t want this ad unit to appear on the home page or on archive pages.
It would be easy enough to do this in WordPress / PHP, but I had no idea how to customize a Blogger template. I consulted Blogger’s Help facility and found a list of Layouts Data Tags, which let me see what could be done. Despite the options being fairly limited, I found the answer I needed: The pageType tag, which can have a value of ‘item’, ‘archive’ or ‘index’.
My XML coding skills are a little rusty, but thankfully it wasn’t hard to work out how to include some HTML based on the type of page:
This says: If it’s a single post, include the HTML (obviously you have to put it in). So single posts (pageType of item) will display the HTML, but the home page (pageType of index) and archive pages (pageType of archive) will not.
Applying this to our Adsense problem, here is the full code you need (with the publisher specific information removed). Use this instead of the code in the Adsense Within Posts section above. The first and last lines should already exist in the template, the rest is what you’re adding.
Of course, this means that only two Adsense units will be shown on the home page. If you’re doing things properly, most of your visitors should arrive on single posts, via the search engines, so this solution’s good enough for me.
Top Rank in google
saya cari-cari informasi tentang bagaimana meningkatkan posisi website kita untuk menjadi nomor 1 di search engine google. dah hasilnya lumayan...saya mendapatkan beberapa article tentang bagaimana meningkatkan website kita agar di posisi teratas google.
Sebelum saya kasih tau anda, saya akan memberikan sedikit pelajaran tentang optimasi mesin pencari (aka SEO). Ada dua komponen utama: "off-page" dan "on-page" optimalisasi. "Off-page" SEO merujuk ke link taktik seperti membangun link. Semakin banyak situs-situs mereka link ke blog / situs web, maka semakin baik. Ini merupakan cara demokratis Google menunjukkan bahwa situs Anda harus penting jika banyak orang yang ke sana. Bahkan lebih penting dengan "off-page" inbound link yang sebenarnya adalah link teks (anchor teks) yang digunakan untuk menunjuk ke situs Anda.
So with “on-page” SEO you have complete control over how well you’re optimized for Google. This includes keywords in your post titles, title tags, using header tags (h1, h2) and other tactics. Now the one we’re going to focus on in this article is the blog title tag.
Title tags are one of the most (if not the most) important “on-page” elements to ranking high in Google. Search engines such as Google weigh the importance of each word in the title from left to right. So ideally you want your blog post title all the way to the left and your actual blog name to the right. Below is a perfect example of how this should look.
Blogger templates by default don’t come with search engine optimized (SEO) title tags meaning you aren’t maximizing your blog to rank better in Google. If you take a look at your existing Blogger title you’ll see that blogger displays the blog name first then followed by your post title. They have it backwards so let’s get your blog setup properly.
ok let's step by step ok.. :)
1. In the template code, do a search for this:
2. Replace that bit of code with the following code:
3. Save your template and go back to your blog. Click into any individual post and look at the page title.
your individual page title now better optimized to rank higher in Google.
improve a visitors
Jika Anda berharap untuk mendapatkan beribu-ribu pengunjung, Anda harus memiliki konten yang menarik, kirimkan pemberitahuan kepada teman-teman anda, dan terus memperbarui dengan hal-hal baru agar orang ingin tetap berkunjung ketempat anda, dan akan terlihat lebih baik.
coba trik ini ...!!
1. Link to other pages, and have them link to you.
2 Use relevant META tags for keywords and description
3. Submit the site to free traffic building:
- Free Blog Visitor!
- Traffic link
4. Announce your website in many online forums.
5. Register your url with google and as many other search engines as possible.
6. Update your site often to have repeat visistors.
7. Do a search on google, then at the bottom of the page is “Disatisfied with results? Help us improve” link. Just fill out the info. and the spiders will go to your site.